The Architects of the Greater Paris Express: season 2

“The Architects of the Greater Paris Express: season 2” — Maison de l’Architecture en Île-de-France

The Société du Grand Paris organizes, in partnership with the Maison de l’Architecture in Île-de-France, a second round of eight conferences, during which architects as well as artists, urban planners, designers and landscapers of the Greater Paris Express discuss their work.

Building on the success of the first round of the conference cycle by the architects of the future stations of the Grand Paris Express, which gathered more than 1,500 people between April and December 2017, the Société du Grand Paris organizes, in partnership with the Maison of Architecture in Île-de-France, a second cycle of presentations and debates on the creation of the new metro. This new cycle of 8 conferences begins Wednesday, April 4th, 2018.

The architects in charge of the design of the new stations will present their projects, to open a dialogue around these structures that respond to technical, urban and architectural topics.

In the context of thematic conferences, the architects’ positions will be complemented by those of the artists, designers, urban planners and landscapers who are creating the network. Will be discussed, the issues relating to the design of public spaces around railway stations, the integration of works of art in subway spaces as well as the deployment of artistic and cultural approaches on construction sites.

On the program Wednesday, October 3, 2018 from 19h to 20h30
“The squares of the Greater Paris Express: urbanism, landscape and architecture”
Jean-Christophe Nani (TN+), Pierre-Alain Trévelo

Listen to the talk

Maison de l’Architecture de l’Île-de-France, Paris, France